The Impact of Flossing on Orthodontic Health

Model upper and lower teeth with braces and UFloss logo in upper right corner

When it comes to maintaining oral hygiene, the stakes are even higher for those sporting braces. While instrumental in achieving that perfect smile, braces create a complex landscape for bacteria and food particles to play hide-and-seek. In this article, we'll explore the serious consequences of neglecting flossing with braces, uncovering the potential risks and how they may impact the effectiveness of your orthodontic treatment.

Consequences of Skipping Flossing with Braces

1. Tooth Decay

The brackets and wires that make up your braces introduce additional surfaces where bits of food and plaque can find a cozy home. When flossing takes a back seat, these particles can evolve into a more harmful substance—acid. The acid, a byproduct of bacterial activity, can erode tooth enamel and pave the way for cavities. It's a not-so-welcome transformation of a neglected piece of broccoli into a dental nightmare.

teeth with cavities and tooth decay

Pro Tip: Brace-wearers, brace yourselves! Regular use of UFloss is your simple solution to avoiding tooth decay.

2. Gum Woes: Gingivitis Unleashed!

Gums are like the bodyguards of your teeth. Neglecting their well-being can lead to the onset of gingivitis, characterized by red, swollen gums that bleed at the slightest provocation. The intricate landscape of braces complicates matters, providing extra nooks for gum issues to flourish.

faceless woman pulling back upper lip to reveal red, swollen gums

Ortho Wisdom: A UFloss each day keeps gingivitis at bay—especially crucial for our brace-bearers.

3. The Perils of Prolonged Treatment:

Orthodontic treatment is a journey, and like any adventure, it requires preparation and vigilance. Poor oral hygiene during this mission can lead to unforeseen twists and expensive turns. So while the oral health benefits of braces are numerous, the complications that arise from poor oral care may sidetrack your journey in the form of additional dental procedures. These can potentially extend the overall treatment time, which nobody wants! While a detour can be a fun and exciting deviation on a road-trip, they're not so great during the course of your orthodontic treatment. Better to stay on the direct route!

Young woman lying on bed beside clock waiting bored

Time Saver Alert: Use UFloss diligently, and your orthodontic journey might just be the express route.

Are Brace-Wearers at Greater Risk?

The million-dollar question: Do those with braces face a higher risk than their non-braced counterparts when it comes to the consequences of neglecting flossing?

The Braces Battlefield:

Brace wearers, by the very nature of their dental apparatus, have a more intricate dental landscape to navigate. Brackets, wires and bands create additional hiding spots for plaque and food particles. Historically, traditional flossing has required special tools like floss threaders and interdental brushes. However, UFloss decided to change all of that. In its place, UFloss has created a specially designed apparatus able to reach those hard-to-reach places, nooks and spaces between brackets and teeth. With a patented micro-cratered tip, UFloss effectively removes plaque and strengthens gums, just like regular string floss, but without the extra tools, theaders and extra devices.

Faceless mouth revealing colorful braces brackets


Ortho Challenge: Braces make oral hygiene a little more challenging, but fear not—a proper arsenal of tools and techniques is your key to victory.

The Risks on Repeat:

The intricacies introduced by braces create additional surfaces and spaces, making oral hygiene more challenging. Inadequate flossing in the presence of braces heightens the risk of dental issues. Tooth decay is a concern due to the accumulation of plaque around brackets and wires.

The increased difficulty in cleaning can lead to demineralization of enamel, potentially resulting in cavities or white spots on the teeth. Additionally, the risk of gum problems, such as gingivitis, is elevated. The cumulative impact of these consequences could compromise the overall success and efficiency of orthodontic treatment, emphasizing the importance of meticulous oral care for individuals with braces

UFloss dental pick showing product and pictures of healthy teeth and braces

Mitigating Risks

The Ortho Hygiene Routine:

Flossing with braces requires a bit of finesse and dedication. Incorporating a robust oral hygiene routine is non-negotiable. Regular brushing, flossing and the use of an antiseptic mouthwash form the trifecta of defense against dental adversaries.

Ortho Routine: Make friends with your toothbrush, embrace the simplcicty of UFloss and let mouthwash be your ally—your braces will thank you!

Special Tools for the Win:

Orthodontic patients are often armed with specialized tools—floss threaders, interdental brushes, and other devices designed to navigate the twists and turns of brace architecture. But no longer does effective flossing require an entire toolbox of gizmos and gadgets. Today, orthodontists and patients alike suggest UFloss as your first line of defense and last tool you'll need to combat plaque as a braces wearer.

UFloss dental floss pick detailing the product's patented plaque scrubbing tip

UFloss is a revolution in oral hygiene, offering convenience, simplicity and effectiveness for braces wearers and non-braces wearers, alike. The patented micro-cratered surface gently massages the gums and removes plaque from those tough to reach places, including from between teeth and under brackets.

Orthodontist Guidance:

Communication is key in any journey, and your orthodontist is your guide. Regular check-ups provide an opportunity to discuss concerns, receive guidance and make necessary adjustments.

Flossing Wisdom for All

Whether you're on Team Braces or Team Natural Smile, the importance of flossing remains universal. Flossing is not just a task; it's a dental odyssey—an adventure to safeguard your teeth, braces or no braces. So, embrace UFloss and wield it with pride. Your smile deserves nothing less!

UFloss dental floss pick 8-pack product

If you're ready to start your UFloss journey and protect your metal mouth from the dangers of plaque, tartar, acid, gingivitis and more, visit the UFloss store today!