Pet Pick

Simple. Effective. Oral Health for pets.

Oral Health: The Gateway to Well-Being

Did you know that periodontal disease is the most common chronic disease in pets, affecting over 80% of dogs and 70% of cats over the age of three? Left untreated, it can lead to serious health problems, such as disease of the heart, kidney and liver.

Pet Pick is here to make caring for your beloved pet a breeze. A simple daily routine can help avoid dental disease and ensure optimal health for years to come!

What is pet pick?

How To Use Pet Pick

Revolutionizing Pet Oral Care with Pet Pick

Pet Pick

More than just dental care

Reports have suggested that chronic periodontal disease causes problems in the heart, kidneys and possibly the liver.

Pet Pick offers a revolutionary solution to combat chronic periodontal disease in pets, promoting optimal oral health and overall well-being.

  • Effectively removes plaque from tooth surfaces.
  • Addresses critical areas between teeth.
  • Promotes stronger, healthier gums

Ready to improve your pet's health?